Rummage Sale Collections Happening Now!!!

Redeemer is hosting a Rummage sale the first week of May. Please bring in your clothing, furtinure, appliances, knicknacks and more, so they can prepare for the sale! All proceeds will support the youth on their trip to New Orleans for the Youth Gathering.

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services

Wednesday Lent services begin with Ash Wednesday on March 5th at 6:00pm.  March 12th there will be a meal served before the service starting at 5:00pm

Lenten Offerings will go to support the disaster recovery of the LA wildfires and the Women's Seminary Guild at Concordia.

Moms Group

A new Moms group has started to meet monthy. This group includes fellowship, snacks, and scripture. All Redeemer moms and friends are welcome to join! Please contact the office for more information. The next meeting is Thursday, March 20th at 6:30pm

Accessible Restroom, Coming Soon!

The Accessible Restroom is well on its way to becoming a reality! So far we have raised over $47,500 for this project and have about $30,000 more to bring in. Please consider giving to this project so that our church building can be more accesible to all!

Kingdom Building

Every Quarter we will bring in someone to talk to our congregation about an organization that is doing Kingdom work to spread the Gospel outside of our walls. We recently had representatives from Combined Community Services come and talk to us about how we can support their mission right here in our community!




Missions Board Collections:

To help support the lest fortunate in our K-County community, Redeemer Missions board is collecting new or gently used CLEAN coats, hats, gloves and scarves for all ages throughout the winter. Please put them in the boxes in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your kind and generous hearts!

Other Items the Mission board are collecting for K-County Needs Include:

  • coffee
  • hand warmers
  • men's coats
  • chapstick
  • gloves
  • styrofoam to go containers
  • disposable coffee cups

Men’s Bible Study

Men's Bible Study now meets on Monday evenings @ 6:30pm in the Annex.  This group is currently studying the book of Daniel. All men seeking a deeper connection to God are invited to join! Please contact the church office if you would like more information. 

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation class takes place on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm with Pastor Carney


Noon Bible Study

Meeting on Wednesday’s at noon in the Narthex for lunch and study. This group combines a few of our favorite things: the Bible, food and fellowship. Every Wednesday we eat lunch while consuming God’s Word. For the next several weeks, we will be watching episodes from Season 4 of The Chosen and discussing topics that arise. This study moves where the Spirit leads it. They have studied whole books of the Bible, taken deep dives into parables, and followed the readings of the day for a while. They also examine Biblical topics that are raised in popular culture, and TV shows such as “The Chosen.” They invite you to join them every Wednesday, or even just when you are able. 


Egg Cartons & Plastic Bags for CCS

Bring your empty egg cartons and used plastic bags from any store and put them in the donation box for us to take to Combined Community Services to use when they pass out food to the community.

Women’s Bible Study 

Women's Bible Study meets Monday evenings at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.  All Women of Redeemer are invited to join in an evening of fellowship and study. "We laugh. We cry. We support one another. We learn and grow in God's Word." We can't wait to have you join us! This study is led by Ann Werk.



Meets Thursday throughout the year and are always looking for new members!  Come sing and enjoy great fellowship. Contact the church office for more information. 


Youth Gathering

Students in grades 7-12 are welcome to join Billy and Hallie Brinkerhuff on Sundays between services and on Tuesday evenings for a time of fun, food, and fellowship. 

~How Can I Give?~

Improvement Fund

Please continue to use the Improvement Fund envelopes found in the Welcome Center to donate towards future projects necessary for our church building.  Include your name if you'd like a statement for your donation. 

Weekly Devotion

Pastor writes a devotion 3 times pa week and email it as a 'blind copy' email devotion (your email address is not visible to others). Email Pastor to sign-up:

Redeemer Scholarship                     

If you are currently enrolled in college and would like receive a scholarship from Redeemer, please contact either Pete or Cindy Barnett.



Redeemer Facebook Page

Visit our Facebook page and “like” it each day to increase our web presence. Also, those with cell phones, check in each Sunday morning as you arrive at church.

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